Ali Off The Mark

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Why write?

Why did I start this blog? Why do I want to spend my free time writing? Because we all need some sort of artistic outlet. I'm totally jealous of the severely artistic. That sounds terrible, but you know what I mean, people who dive into their artistic endeavors, are good at it, and know that they are good at it. I want to feel that way.

I've bounced around between different mediums. You've seen my sketches, they're pretty childish (although who doesn't love the occasional personified vagina, right?). I've tried getting more into music too, but despite the fact I've played cello since I was a kid, I have no ear for writing music. Last summer I wrote and recorded a song (alone, on my computer). It's terrible. Imagine an auto-tuned duck warbling out bad rhymes about Las Vegas and you'll have a good idea of what it is like. (You'll know I'm really desperate for a laugh if I ever share *that* with you.)

But even if I kind of give up on drawing and music, I'll never give up on writing. I love to write. I've loved to write since I was a little kid. My writing has taken on many different forms as I've gone through different phases in my life. Short stories, poetry, fanfic, journaling.  I discovered fanfic as a young teen and fell in love with it for a long time. I wrote so much fanfic... Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek, Kenshin, Stargate.... And it's fun, but fanfic writing is like writing with a big crutch because you already have all this marvelous backstory and deep character history to draw from without any effort on your part. So now when I try to write fiction of my own, I get stuck on having to make all that up from scratch. And I guess I just don't have enough self-confidence, because I end up I hating my characters or second guessing my plot the whole time, then eventually I give up.

If you click on this picture you can actually read my
first electronic journal entry from November, 1996
But I am good at journaling. Or, at least, I'm persistant. (can you even be good at journaling? is blathering on and on about yourself really a skill?) I started keeping an electronic journal backing in 1996, on an old floppy disc on the family IBM computer. In 1999 I saved up and bought my own computer and journaled there (sadly most of those journal entries seem to be lost). Then in 2003 I discovered LiveJournal and have been using that ever since.

Then I recently read The Bloggess's book Let's Pretend This Never Happened and I just lost my shit over how impressed I was. And that inspired me. Inspired me to take some of what I know about writing and channel some of my journaling energy into it to make a blog.

So I guess in a way this whole blog is my latest feeble attempt at the arts. I'm going to try not to let the voice in my head talk me out of continuing to do it. So far it's been incredibly cathartic and... fun. I really appreciate every bit of positive feedback I've received even just knowing that some people have read one post and come back for another helps me keep going. 


  1. I might as well have been reading my own thoughts just now. This whole A-to-Z Challenge has had me second guessing my blog & it's purpose. Well, it really doesn't serve a purpose, per se, it just gives me an outlet b/c like you, I love to write. I envy folks who have real skills. I have none. But boy do I try! :)

    Keep at it b/c I enjoy reading! :)

    1. Thanks. I really enjoy reading your blog too!!

  2. It's amazing what this blog challenge has shown me about daily writing and keeping the "juices" flowing. However, sleep will be nice again. I will definitely keep blogging regularly and check yours out too. Maybe we can keep each other on point. lol. Jennifer a.k.a Urban Gypsy Girl

  3. I love your posts, and I'd like to be able to come back and read more, so please tell that voice in your head to invest in some duct tape and gag itself while you dive into your bloodiness. Can't wait till you decide to share that song. :)

    1. Thanks. I will keep fighting the evil voice in my head and keep writing. :)

  4. First rule of creativity: Pay no attention to that evil voice in your head.

    I've been blogging for eight years this month, writing for my whole life. I've kept a pen and ink spiral notebook type journal since I was fifteen. I've had about twenty short non-fiction pieces published, mostly in small markets. Sometimes I wonder why I'm doing it, but the truth is I would be lost without it. That outlet is what has kept me centered throughout my life--it is for me what prayer or meditation or therapy is for those who are more spiritual, more evolved or more covered by adequate health insurance than I am.

    1. Wow, that's so cool that you've been published! Is any of it available for Kindle?

    2. Sorry it took me so long to get back to respond to this--I am a horrible, no good, very bad blogger. Anyway, my publication credits were all short pieces that were published between 1996 and 2005. The biggest magazine was Woman's Day, which published an opinion piece of mine in 1999. And I've also had two pieces in The Writer. Most of them were in a small national magazine called At-Home Mother, which is no longer being published. I could email some if you're interested, but no pressure. ;)

    3. that's awesome. I'd totally like to read some. alirosesommer at gmail. :)

  5. I started at don't jinx me bro and just kept scrolling down, and after reading the last line here just wanted you to know I'm happy to keep reading, especially now I've seen your V graphic. I'll be back congratulations on completing the #atozchallenge and all the best
