Ali Off The Mark

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How much for a steamy hour of hotel time?

When you think of hotels that charge by the hour, what do you think of? What do you picture? Being a big fan of Law and Order, my mind immediately jumps to something out of an episode of SVU. A roach-infested skeezey joint, with hookers and crack dealers, hidden away in some sketchy New York neighborhood. 

Now, Love Hotels are a bit different, they're hourly hotels in Japan and Korea and they're legal, apparently some are quite nice. I learned about the existence of Love Hotels when my high school boyfriend, an exchange student from Japan told me how romantic it would be to take me to one (I was not particularly impressed by the idea). I even got a glimpse of a few in Japan (fromt the outside) when I visited Osaka in 2006. There are some interesting cultural differences between the US and Japan. Nothing illustrates them like... well... actually a million things you can see walking down the streets of Osaka, and this giant fucking ass-covered building is one of them. But I've gotten off topic. Hourly hotels aren't really my... scene. So I never cared that they're illegal in many (all?) states. 

Until I needed one. 

In my husband's first years out of school, before he was my husband, he worked and lived in North Carolina. Between my junior and senior year of college I went to live with him for a summer. Somehow in the middle of the summer the water in the apartment got turned off. Now he says the billing people didn't bill him, but I'm pretty sure he just forgot to pay. But whatever the reason, the water was shut off. And it took some time to get it back on. 

After a couple days in the unforgiving southern heat, we were both in desperate need of a shower. So we found a little motel, explained the situation (there might have been some begging and promising that it wasn't a sex visit, I imagine it that way but I don't really know, I was hiding in the car) and ended up renting a room for an hour so we could shower. And that's my experience illegally renting a hotel room for one hour with my boyfriend. Steamy, right?


  1. I didn't know they were illegal. That sucks, how are you supposed to have illicit sex then? Climb in the back seat of the car? We're not teenagers anymore, dammit.

    1. they might not be illegal in every state, but they are in the Bible Belt! I guess maybe they expect that once you're too old for a car you'll have a house and/or money for a full night at a hotel? hee

    2. This is the kind of thing that gets people shot in the ass on their way out the bedroom window, that's what.

  2. That giant ass-decored hotel is amazing! I wish people would just get the whole "make fun things safe" (a.k.a. sex in one-hour motel rooms) vs. "make safe things fun" (a.k.a. being abstinent in a by-the-night-hotel). I'm telling you, adopting the "make fun things safe" concept would make this world a much better place!

    Cheers from Brandy at

    1. Yes, I wish that as well. But in the US, all I can hope for is basic sex ed in schools. Our Puritan heritage is so strong. *sigh*

  3. Wait a guys didn't have any family or friends who would let you shower at their house?

    It's funny how we never really consider the effects of the legalities of certain things that don't affect us directly, until we need these very things. Still, I think it's a rip-off to have to pay a place to shower; maybe that's how those types of hotels generate a lot of their business...or so, I suppose ;)

    Hourly hotels serve their purpose, for sure....I just don't know if I would be willing to stay at the one in the picture above. Then again, any building with an ass plastered along its exterior walls must have some interesting amenities!


    1. We were new to the area and didn't have friends there yet. And my husband was waaaaay to embarrassed to go ask my aunt and uncle.

      Maybe when I'm older I won't get embarrassed as easily and actually check one of those paces out. But for now I'll stil to HolidayInn

  4. We have them in Brazil, most of the motels operates on a few hours rental for sex. Brazilian's have big families all living together, maybe a dozen or more, so when couples want some intimate time together they book a motel for 4 hours,( no quick nookie in Brazil) it's perfectly acceptable here. The rooms are really rather nice looking with spa baths. Quite romantic but some have lots strange looking chairs and vibrating beds, porn channels etc.

    1. I can see the desire if you had a big family all living together.

  5. Live and learn ... Didn't know this, but I only stay at a hotel when on vacation.

    1. yeah, vacation or conventions/conferences.

  6. I know love motels exist in a lot of cities in South America. I never really thought about why we don't have them here. I'm sure part of the reason is worry over protesters.

    Your love motel pic is priceless. No mistaking what that place is for!

    1. There's so much weirdness in the US when it comes to anything sexual, especially in the bible belt, I just can't imagine they would work here.
