Ali Off The Mark

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My name's Ali, and I'm a bookaholic

Reading a book looks different in the digital age. 
The hardest part of the day is any time I have to put down my book. When I'm in the mood to read, I never want to stop. Reading is addictive. It's sort of like binge drinking, once you get started you don't want to stop until you pass out. Wait, that analogy makes me sound like an alcoholic. Forget I said that and let's try again. It's like eating your favorite food. You want to both savor it, and to stuff it in your face as fast as you can because it's just so good. You want to gobble it all up and yet you also want the flavor to linger forever. That's what it's like to have a good book. (if the book is not good it's like eating at the school cafeteria: you still stuff your face, but there's nothing satisfying about it).

When I was younger, I was the kid who always had a book and read on the sly during class. I got caught now and then, but it was always worth it. Now that I'm an adult, and technology has advanced, I can read a book on my phone, any time, anywhere. But now I have to exercise a little more self-control, because a woman who reads novels during meetings does not keep her job for long. heh.

Right now I'm in the middle of a book series, the Legacy of the Force (no judging), and I'm finding it hard to snap out of it long enough to write blog posts. This type of all-consuming obsession with my latest read is part of the reason why I go through periods, months even, when I don't read at all. Because I need time live in the real world, or at least that's what I'm told.

Here are some top signs that you too may be a Bookaholic:
  • You view every trip to the bathroom as an excuse to read at least a page or two.
  • You've had people ask you "what's wrong" and you've had to admit that a fictional character just died. 
  • You've let a book influence the way you speak, write, or dress.
  • You've snapped at somebody because omg why are you interrupting me now don't you realize that John just walked in on Susan and Mike, and he has a gun!
  • You've ever smashed a fork full of food into the side of your face because you were trying to read and eat at the same time.
  • You've ever looked up and suddenly realized you've basically read through the whole night and you have work in 3 hours and you're so completely screwed... but you'll worry about that right after you finish this chapter.

If you are a bookaholic like me, let's virtual high five. And then get back to our books.


  1. My name is Katie and I'm a bookaholic. I'm starting my 3rd book in 4 days. Although the stuff I'm reading is fluff to catch up with pop culture. Right now it is the Harry Potter series since I never read it before. Previously was some Terry Pratchett and next I think I'll get around to reading 50 Shades of Grey to see what that's all about.

    1. I need to give Terry Pratchet another go, I listened to one if his books on a road trip in college but that's it. Fluffy stuff is fun, I am reading star wars books after all

  2. I was totally bookaholic before having kids. Now, I am lucky when I can read a chapter here and there. But do remember all so well what this felt like. Thank you for reminding me and for linking up with us today!! :)

    1. One of my daughter's first sentences was "Mommy/Daddy, put bookmark in" as she would hand us something to mark our place with. :-)

    2. Yeah there was a few years where I didn't read as much although if I'd had the kindle app back then I might have read more while nursing

  3. OMG I laughed out loud at people asking you what's wrong and that you're upset because a fictional character died! I am SO THAT person! Love it! Have you read God of Small Things? That's my favorite book ever. And I read a LOT. Like a whole lot!

  4. ahahahaha! That's awesome! I love your list! The fork in the side of the face - so funny!!! I need to find out what you're reading because I don't read enough books that engage me well enough to keep me awake. Hunger Games was the last series that did that for me. I couldn't put it down. Was up way too late reading. Okay, maybe I shouldn't find out what you're reading. I don't know if I could handle those books more than a few times a year.

    1. Do you do the Literary Junkies link-up? I think it's the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of every month. I've done it a couple times. It's fun to see what others are reading and they ask some fun questions to answer in your blog post too.

    2. Have you read the song of ice and fire series? That is intense and kept me awake for months.

      I'll have to check out that link up, thanks

  5. Oh man...I'm a damned Bookaholic! Funny, funny post Ali - loved it!!

  6. I always find myself noticing things in my day to day life that so-and-so character would like, or things that remind me of my characters. I always mention them to my husband (because he's always the one near me when this happens) and he tells me to get a life... a real one. So yeah, I can relate.

  7. *High five*!!! I just finished reading Ender's Game (again, d'uh) and am trying to decide which palette cleanser to read before revisiting my favorite, The Black Jewels Trilogy by Ann Bishop (jumping on that no-judging train). ...I'm thinking you should share more of the books you like, because my Book Club is full of non-geeky moms and we read stuff that I'm just not that into.
